Dimapur, March 6 (EMN): Bright Morning Star Children Home (BMSCH), Kohima, observed the Employee Appreciation Day at its premises in Perizie on March 5. The first Friday in March is observed as Employee Appreciation Day to honour the employees everywhere.
Addressing the staff and the children of BMSCH, the superintendent Aleno said, “I want the children to grow up, know how to respect others and inculcate a sense of responsibility to appreciate people for their contributions in different fields and categories.”
She stated that employees are an important asset for any organisation be it in government or non-government sectors as “they make differences and keep the office running”. She, therefore, stated that the day was observed to show gratitude to the past and present staff.
She added that the staff of BMSCH are not only attending to office and paper works but also impacting the lives of many children through their invaluable teaching on various subjects, preparing them to be a better person in society.
“You all are doing an incredible job as an employee in moulding and shaping the children,” she told the staff of the BMSCH. She further encouraged the employees to continue the good work.