DIMAPUR — A ‘State-level orientation workshop on tobacco control’ was conducted by the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) with the support of ‘Vital Strategies’ at De Oriental Grand, Kohima on July 3.
The event was intended for district nodal officers and staffs and the agendas discussed included epidemiology of tobacco use, NTCP MIS, COTPA 2003, Tobacco Vendor Licensing, Tobacco Cessation and TOFEI initiative guidelines, an update stated.
In her welcome address, Dr. Meribeni Odyuo, Director (Dental) under Health and Family Welfare department, called upon all officers and staffs to join the crucial journey and equip themselves with skills and resources to combat the menace and be catalyst for change. She also exhorted them on their roles and responsibilities to address this issue.
Dr. Rana J Singh in his keynote address, said tobacco use is a disease and that more than 6 lakh people in the state are affected with the disease, as per WHO definition and GATS survey.
He also urged the concerned state and district agencies to access the implementation of NTCP.
“To combat this menace we need multi stakeholders’ engagement, role of policy makers and role of enforcement officers to enforce tobacco control law. In addition, tobacco cessation is the key to combat this menace,” he added.
Mission Director of National Health Mission (NHM) Nagaland, Dr. Akuo Sorhie expressed gratitude to Vital Strategies for the support over the years. She also exhorted on building capacities as one of the steps to strengthen the health systems. “Tobacco control and oral health care are essential components of comprehensive primary health care, and each one of us should be inspired by the progress we’ve achieved and driven by the work that remains ahead,” the mission director added.
Dr. Rana J Singh and Renu Sharma, Project Manager (Tobacco Control), Vital Strategies, also had a meeting with the MD, NHM to discuss tobacco control measures. They also visited the Tobacco Cessation Centre at NHAK, Kohima on July 2.
Dr. Chiekroshuyi Tetseo, Director Dental (Retd) also spoke on the occasion.
Dr. Esther Chophy Ngullie, DNO of Mon DTCC, was awarded best district nodal officer; Linoka K Awomi, DTCC consultant was awarded the best consultant at state level; E Nyeamying Konyak of Mon DTCC won the best consultant; Temsuchila Walling of Kohima DTCC received the best social worker, and Tshope Ü Khutsoh of Wokha DTCC the best psychologist.
Earlier, the NTCP guidelines and progress of NTCP were presented by Dr. Arenla Walling, state nodal officer of NTCP.
The event was chaired by Dr. Reyosalu Lase Vizo, Dy. Director and SPO, NOHP.
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