A Call To Purpose - Eastern Mirror
Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Call to Purpose

By EMN Updated: Nov 15, 2024 9:42 pm

“The water carrier went back and forth each day from the well to the village, carrying two leather buckets — one old and leaky, the other new and shiny. One day, the old, leaky bucket spoke up.

“Why do you keep using me, old man? Look at your new bucket. Each time you reach the village, it is still full, while I am only half-full. I make you work twice as hard.”

The old water carrier chuckled. “Have you not noticed the flowers along your side of the path?” he replied. “I water them every day with the water you spill. There are no flowers on the other side of the path, for no water falls there.”

In this narrative, we uncover a powerful truth that resonates with so many of us. Like the leaky bucket, we often feel disheartened, doubting our worth in a world clamouring for change. We dream of reform, of making a difference, yet feel small, frustrated, and powerless. Sometimes, despair tempts us to question our purpose, wondering if we’ve been left alone in our struggles.

But take heart, my friend! There is hope, for God is faithful. He watches over us with unwavering grace, working in us even when He seems distant. Each new dawn brings the promise that, despite our doubts, we are filled with purpose, even in our ‘leaky’ lives.

It’s time to reclaim our role in the grand design of life. Each of us has the power to make a difference, allowing God to work through us as we engage with a purpose we may have overlooked. Let’s recommit ourselves, asking what we can do individually to align with our Creator’s vision and move toward a more compassionate and cultured humanity.

We live in a world that clearly needs change. From ordinary citizens to world leaders, calls for reform echo across political arenas, social media, and the press. Yet, these passionate words often fail to spark action. Great empires have risen and fallen, wars have reshaped history, yet, in our daily lives, we can feel helpless. “What can I do?” we wonder, “I’m only one person.” In such moments, the urge to give up can be strong, allowing despair to take root.

But let us not despair! The change we seek begins within. If you can change just one life—even your own—you’ve altered a part of the world, showing that change is possible. If one life can change, many can; whole communities can be revived, and a better world can emerge, starting with a single person—perhaps you.

If the thought of changing the world seems overwhelming, why not start with your own heart and mind? A single change within you creates a ripple effect that touches your home and family. Imagine a household filled with love, truth, and the life of God—a small but powerful example of transformation that can spread.

Your family, in turn, can impact neighbours, friends, colleagues, and classmates, one heart at a time. Picture yourself planting seeds of kindness and compassion with each interaction, day by day, fostering growth in the empty spaces of another’s heart. It may seem small—a single sprout in a vast landscape. But this is the beginning of a miraculous transformation. A simple green shoot can grow into a towering tree, symbolizing new life and perhaps even a new world.

So why not take the first step? Rather than waiting for others to lead, begin in your own circle—your family, neighbourhood, or town—and watch the change unfold. When you consistently fulfil your purpose with intention and love, you will see a harvest. Not all seeds will bear fruit, but some will flourish, bringing forth a rich bounty. God’s work is often mysterious, and regardless of how ‘leaky’ we feel, He has a divine plan for each of us.

This purpose begins with transforming ourselves, becoming a catalyst for fulfilling the divine design in us. Embrace your journey as a leaky bucket, for in your perceived imperfections lies the potential to nourish the world around you. The flowers blooming along the path of your life may be the result of your humble leaks, showing that even the seemingly small can contribute to the beauty and growth of a brighter future.

A. Anato Swu


By EMN Updated: Nov 15, 2024 9:42:51 pm
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