An Expanded G20 Forum - Eastern Mirror
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An Expanded G20 Forum

By The Editorial Team Updated: Sep 12, 2023 12:27 am

The G20 intergovernmental forum has grown with the inclusion of the African Union  as a permanent member. It is the first move of expansion by the group in the last 24 years. It is a significant move as the AU is a group of 55 nations, whose voice have thus far been ignored by the rest of the world, despite rich natural and human resources. However, entry for the AU into the G20 group was not without difficulty and controversy. Many countries opposed the move arguing that AU was simply not qualified to be a member of this conglomeration as the G20 is a forum of large economies, blatantly sidelining the commitment to create an equitable world. At the same time, some nations were apprehensive that India would be most benefited by the move. They forget that India has always been friendly to African nations. This is why notwithstanding all opposition, India remained firm on its resolve to include AU in G20 and when the US extended its support to this move, it became easy for India to convince the nations opposed to this proposal.

As a matter of fact, popular perception about Africa is still negative and for many the continent is synonymous with poverty, warfare and poor infrastructure. It’s true that Africa’s contribution to global GDP is 2.84 per cent in comparison to China’s 19 per cent and India’s 9.3 per cent. Thus, the question was raised as to how this new found friendship between two unequals would be mutually beneficial. The answer lies in the fact that keeping the continent isolated will cause more harm to the world than good as its huge natural wealth and human resource capabilities will remain unused and will be under threat of being looted and misused by those against global peace and prosperity. Permanent membership of G20 will immensely help the continent manage natural wealth to their benefit. In this regard, it should be noted that apart from nature’s bounty, Africa also has one of the largest youth populations in the world, which if nurtured can take the world to new heights.

The elevation will immensely help Africa to increase its presence in the global political and economic arena and over the years will hopefully become an equal partner in the world’s quest for sustainable development and prosperity. Not very long ago, several nations had refused to send COVID-19 vaccines to the continent citing domestic need. It is hoped that henceforth, the continent will not face such rejection as all G20 nations are now duty bound to stand beside AU, when needed. At the same time, the inclusion will allow the world to benefit from the African Continental Free Trade Area, which will increase trade and commerce. After the inclusion, G20 now represents 80 per cent of the world population. The entire global economy stands to gain through the addition of the AU in the G20 forum.

By The Editorial Team Updated: Sep 12, 2023 12:27:00 am
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