Nagaland, Niuland
ATMA Niuland conducts training for jute farmers
DIMAPUR — Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Niuland district conducted a ‘within district farmers training’ at the district agriculture office, Niuland, on Wednesday for farmers, both male and female, cultivating jute.
According to a press release, resource person Dr. Bendangla Imsong, Assistant Chief Technical Officer (Plant Breeding and Genetics), Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Medziphema, spoke on the occasion on the topic “Package of practices of jute” and asked the farmers to adopt proper management practices.
Demalu Hasnusa, Block Technology Manager (Niuland Block), highlighted the success stories of farmers and self-help groups involved in jute cultivation.
Later, jute seeds (JRO 204 var.) and vegetable seeds were distributed to the 25 farmers present at the programme by the department of Agriculture, Niuland and KVK-ICAR, Medziphema.