ATMA Sechü-Zubza Block Conducts Demo On Food Crops - Eastern Mirror
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ATMA Sechü-Zubza block conducts demo on food crops

By EMN Updated: Sep 03, 2024 3:53 pm
ATMA Sechu Zubza condcuts filed demonstration
An ATMA official and farmers during the demonstration on promotion of winter vegetables in Jotsoma village on August 29.

DIMAPUR — Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) of Sechü-Zubza block under Kohima district conducted a demonstration programme on ‘Crop residue management and field sanitation’ and ‘Promotion of winter vegetables and their cultivation for livelihood security,’ in Jotsoma village, Kohima district, on August 29.

The resource persons of the demonstration programme were ATM Ketsivino Nakhro and ATM Thejavizonuo Kelio, stated an update from ATMA Sechü-Zubza.

The resource persons highlighted the importance of management of crop residues and its practical applicability. Awareness on the benefits of proper crop residue management was shared with emphasis on a well-planned crop residue management, to improve soil fertility and overall soil health in the long run.

Also read: ATMA conducts broccoli, French bean demonstration programmes

Importance of field sanitation, a highly effective practice to keep most pests under control, was also imparted.

Under promotion of winter vegetables, the resource person spoke on various rabi season crops which can be grown in the region, while also informing that vegetable production contributes immensely to rural household income, livelihoods, alleviate poverty and reduce food insecurity.

Package of practices for sowing cole crops, root crops and pod vegetables were also discussed and hands-on demonstration conducted with keen participation from the farmers.

Inputs like hand hoe, green pea, cabbage and beetroot were also distributed. All together, seven farmers from “KROVI FIG” along with ATMA functionaries attended the programme.

Earlier on August 13, the ATMA Sechü-Zubza block also conducted a field demonstration on the topic ‘Package of practices of French beans, onion and sweet corn’at Dzüdza village.

Resource person, Thejavizonuo Kelio, ATM spoke on the importance of irrigation, weed management, disease and pest management. Hands-on demonstration on selection of site, preparation of site, maintaining proper rows was shown to the participants.

The programme was attended by eight members from ‘SEDE FSG’ and ATMA functionaries of the block. Seeds of French beans, onion, sweet corn, bottle gourd F1, brinjal, bitter gourd F1, chilli and watermelon F1 were distributed to the group.

ATMA Phek holds farmers’ interaction prog.

ATMA Phek, Weziho block conducted demonstration and interaction programme with the farmers on seedbed preparation of vegetable crops, grafting methods of fruit trees and application of weeder in farming at Hutsü village on August 29.  According to an update, the resource persons for the demonstrations were ATM Nuzo and BTM Vepoto. A total number of 18 farmers attended the programme along with the ATMA officials, after which vegetable seeds and weeders were distributed to the farmers.

By EMN Updated: Sep 03, 2024 3:53:05 pm
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