Krafton, the South Korean video game developer, made an exciting announcement about the upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS) 2023. In this tournament, thousands of...
“One Punch Man: World” is a multiplayer action game set in the One Punch Man anime universe coming to PC and mobile platforms later this...
In response to mounting worries about possible US espionage targeting Russian organisations, the Federal Security Service (FSB) has taken decisive measures by ordering thousands of...
Samsung has launched the Samsung Galaxy M34, their latest budget smartphone offering. It aims to provide excellent value for money with its impressive features and...
Forbes has just released its latest list of the wealthiest individuals in India for 2023. These remarkable individuals have accumulated immense wealth through their diverse...
Meta is set to release its own Twitter alternative called Threads later this week, specifically on July 6. Users can already pre-order the iOS version...
The Hong Kong government has set up a special group called “Task Force on Promoting Web3 Development,” which is led by Financial Secretary Paul Chan....
OnePlus, a popular smartphone brand, is set to announce new devices during its Summer Launch event on July 5. One of the most anticipated devices...
Razer has recently unveiled the Razer Moray, an in-ear monitor (IEM) specifically designed for gamers and marathon streamers. Its main goal is to provide gamers...
The World Economic Forum (WEF), in partnership with Frontiers, has recently released a report called ‘Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023,’ featuring insights from over...