Casual Use Of Masks Can Endanger Others – Kikon
Saturday, November 30, 2024

Casual use of masks can endanger others – Kikon

By EMN Updated: Nov 11, 2020 10:36 pm

Dimapur, Nov. 11 (EMN): Awareness and discipline remains the key to fighting the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. This view was expressed at the webinar organised by Press Information Bureau and Field Outreach Bureau, Kohima on November 11.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Nyanthung Kikon, state nodal officer, Integrated Disease Surveillance Program, said that “Nagaland has done reasonably well in controlling the spread of the pandemic”. According to statement issued on Wednesday, he said that ‘many things are under our own control in terms of ensuring safety for self and family.’

Kikon said that ‘people can be seen to be casual in their use of masks, not knowing that they are putting themselves and others into the danger zone.’ Further, he pointed out that ‘we must realise that crowded places, confined places and close contact settings are places where a person has to be on a much higher level of alert.’

SN Pradhan, additional director general, NE region, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting said that ‘though we feel that almost everyone now knows the importance of social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing, there are significant number of people who are still not taking this seriously enough.’ It stated that ‘this is the reason why we must keep on hammering the message of appropriate behaviour day in and day out.’

Furhter, Abhishek Dayal, director, Press Information Bureau, Imphal said that “although we see a steady reduction in the number of infections in the country, it is not a time to be complacent”. He added that media and officials have to work in tandem in plugging the gaps in safety in the society caused by ignoring the SOPs.

“It can be done by highlighting the incident of flouting of norms and educating people to be more alert in such cases,” he said.

Earlier K Sonikumar Singh, assistant director, PIB Kohima welcomed the participants saying that PIB is hosting a series of webinars on Covid-19 awareness with the view of keeping the people constantly alert to the dangers of casual approach towards safety measures.

In his vote of thanks, P Sophie, FEO, FOB, Kohima said that ‘media is an important partner of PIB in spreading the important message about a new normal – safe and appropriate behaviour.’

The webinar was attended by over 20 officials of the North East zone, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, members of the media, students and academicians, it said.

By EMN Updated: Nov 11, 2020 10:36:49 pm
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