Chumu Orgs. Serve Quit Notice - Eastern Mirror
Sunday, December 08, 2024

Chumu orgs. serve quit notice

By EMN Updated: Oct 01, 2017 12:00 am

Dimapur, Sep. 30 (EMN): Community organisations in Chumukedima have served a quit notice to the family members of those accused persons involved in the September 27 assault on members of a Naga family.
The office of the ‘Head GB of Chumukedima town’ issued a press release informing that there was a meeting among “leaders of youth body, students union, women organisation, chamber of commerce and trade association, atuo drivers union, GBs, senior leaders, elders and public leaders of Chumukedima town” on September 27 last to discuss the incident.
According to the statement, the meeting resolved to that “all the accused family members shall have to go away from Dimapur” on or before October 4 next, and the accused persons currently in police custody be not granted bail without ‘facing due process of law’.

By EMN Updated: Oct 01, 2017 12:00:03 am
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