Dimapur, July 16 (EMN): The chief medical officer (CMO) of Longleng, Dr. Obangjungla, has initiated a training on palliative care for doctors and nurses of Longleng district in her office’s conference hall on July 16.
“Looking at the scenario in Nagaland, the rise in cancer patient cases, chronic kidney diseases, stroke and terminally ill patients, the need of palliative care becomes an integral part in the healthcare system,” stated an update from CMO’s office.
It stated that the palliative care was not in medical studies curriculum earlier but included recently in medical studies. It stated that the CMO of Longleng, Dr. Obangjungla, a pioneer in palliative care, has conducted the training in order to equipped medical professionals and nurses in palliative care.
Earlier, the CMO had facilitated a webinar in palliative care on March 3 last for all the chief medical officers and medical superintendents of all the districts through Pallium India, a world known palliative care institute founded by Dr. MR Rajagopal, who was known as ‘Father of palliative care India.’
It explained that palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illnesses through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification, impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychological and spiritual.
Palliative care is a interdisciplinary team consisting of palliative care specialists, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, chaplain, volunteers and caregivers.
During the training, resource persons Dr. Nepuni Athikho (palliative care) from Eden Medical Centre imparted training on the concept and continuum of palliative care and pain management and other related managements, while Lalthanzami (palliative nurse) spoke on caring of caregivers and nursing issues in palliative care amd Dr. Obangjungla (palliative care) imparted training on community participation in palliative care.