Dimapur Police Issues Traffic Advisories - Eastern Mirror
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Dimapur Police issues traffic advisories

By EMN Updated: Jan 12, 2023 11:27 pm

In the interest of public safety, the office of the Commissioner of Police, Dimapur, has issued road traffic advisories for strict compliance.

The advisories issued by the Commissioner of Police, Kevithuto Sophie, are as follows:

1. It is an offence to drive at an excessive speed beyond the speed limitation as prescribed by the concerned authority.

2. It is an office to drive in an inebriated state or under the influence of drugs/ driving in such a manner which poses danger to self and others.

3. It is mandatory for both the rider and pillion rider of two wheelers to use helmets.

4. Carriage of more passengers than authorized in the RC or as permit conditions in vehicles/ two wheelers and three wheelers is not allowed.

5. It is an offence to install unauthorized retrofitting in vehicles/ motorcycles such as:

– Installation of any sound producing retrofitting like pressure horn/ exhaust muffler etc producing more than 80 decibel sound.

– Installation of front and rear bull bar/ crash guard.

– Installation of sun films on front and rear wind shield with less than 70% visual light transmission (VLT) and less than 50% VLT on side windows of the vehicle.

– Installation of unauthorized red, white or blue flashers on the vehicle.

Any vendor found selling such unauthorized retrofitments shall be prosecuted under relevant sections of law.

6. Plying of unregistered vehicles (U/R, A/F) without acknowledgement receipt from the concerned authorities is an offence.

7. Driving of vehicle by juveniles under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited; the guardian of such juvenile/ owner of the vehicle shall be deemed to be guilty of the contravention and liable for punishment of imprisonment upto three years and a fine of INR 25,000.

It stated that the advisory was issued for cooperation and strict public compliance so as to avoid any inconvenience and to collectively ensure public road traffic safety.

By EMN Updated: Jan 12, 2023 11:27:48 pm
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