Dimapur, Oct. 11 (EMN): The joint secretary of DoNER and in-charge of Sambhav Mission Mode, Anuradha S Chagti, held an interactive session with the members of village council, GB, VDB, SMDC, VEC, health committee, WATSAN, ASHA, ANM, AWW etc. in Ruchan village under Wokha district on October 10.
A DIPR report stated that the joint secretary of DoNER, who also carried out personal visitation to the primary schools and Anganwadi centre, held an extensive interactive session with the villagers for first-hand information on the current status of the identified village.
During the session, she informed that Sambhav Mission Mode is a programme formulated by DoNER to achieve saturation of development targets in selected/ identified backward blocks or villages across the Northeast by convergence and monitoring performance of key indicators such as access to the healthcare system, education, financial inclusion, clean drinking water and sanitation, clean and affordable energy and power, road connectivity etc.
While highlighting the need for road connectivity for economic activities, the chairman of Ruchan village council stated that although the village is highly endowed with economic and development potentials, lack of road connectivity causes loss to their hard labour and hampers their growth.
Report stated that district administration, officials from line departments as well as public and church leaders were also present during the interactive session and spot visitations.