Google Drive Gets New Homepage With Smarter Suggestions And Filters - Eastern Mirror
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Google Drive gets new homepage with smarter suggestions and filters

By Tekato Longkumer Updated: Nov 29, 2023 6:52 pm
Google Drive gets new homepage
Source: Google.

DIMAPUR — Google Drive has been updated with a new homepage that aims to provide a more unified and streamlined view of user’s stored content.

In a new workspace update, the company unveiled its “latest series of changes that accelerate user productivity across new views in Drive.” The company said that the new Home tab in Drive offers several features to help users find and access their files and folders more easily.

One of the features is the ability to see suggestions for content that you might want to work on or share, based on machine learning algorithms. These suggestions take into account how often you use certain files or folders, or if you have attached them to Google Calendar events. This way, you can get personalised recommendations for the content that matters to you.

Another feature is the improved filtering options that let you use chips such as type, people, modified date, and location to narrow down your search results. This can save you time and hassle from scrolling through a lot of content that you don’t need.

The new homepage also follows the Material Design 3 principles, which give it a more modern and sleek appearance, while enhancing your productivity.

The Google Drive Home page is now rolling out and should be available to all Workspace and personal users within the next few weeks.

Upon visiting, users will be directed to the ‘Home’ page instead of ‘My Drive.’ If a user prefers to set ‘My Drive’ as their default, they can simply click on the “Change to My Drive” option located in the banner on the Home page.

By Tekato Longkumer Updated: Nov 29, 2023 6:52:30 pm
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