DIMAPUR — The Indian Social Responsibility Network (ISRN), in collaboration with the Phek division of Medical department, conducted training for healthcare workers on routine immunisation (RI) in the conference hall of the chief medical officer’s (CMO) office on October 7 in Phek town.
The participants included Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (ANM) from all the health units under Phek Sadar, Anganwadi workers of Phek town, ISRN and NHM staff.
As routine immunisation has been one of the most significant public health achievements leading to the control and even eradication of many deadly diseases, an update from the CMO office stated that the need to orient the healthcare workers to mobilise the community has become a priority. With this aim, the ISRN and medical department organised a training programme for healthcare workers.
It stated that the topic on ‘Strategies on community mobilisation’ was delivered by Azenuo Mere, DCM; ‘Overview on routine immunisation’ by Dr. Pewezo Khalo, DPO RCH/UIP; ‘Tracking of missed doses’ by Sedeu Rupreo, DPM NHM; and ‘Re-orientation on U-WIN entry’ by Zuvetho, VCCM.
The participants were requested to make use of different platforms for mobilising the community on the importance and benefits of immunising the children. They were also reminded that children are vaccinated against 13 diseases.
Report also stated that convergence from different department was needed to achieve its goal in vaccinating all the children.
Sedeu Rupreo stated that missed doses of the children could be track through RCH register, ANMOL portal, U-WIN and MCP card.
The training programme was chaired by Zhono Shijoh, outreach worker of ISRN, while the welcome address and introduction was delivered by district coordinator of ISRN.