DIMAPUR — The men’s department of Koinonia Baptist Church (KBC) held its annual evangelistic camp at Kezocha EAC headquarters from October 19 to the 24th on the theme ”Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground” (Genesis 1: 26).
An update from KBC media ministry stated that its senior pastor Rev. Zotuo Kiewhuo, pastor Medotseilieü, pastor H Rokopra Mekro, pastor Neibalie and assistant pastor Zashekho Hibo were the main speakers of the camp.
It stated that topics such as ‘Sin and consequences,’ ‘Repentance and salvation,’ ‘Prayer, fasting and dawn prayer, temptation,’ ‘Baptism and gift of the Holy Spirit,’ ‘Role of father in family and church,’ ‘Economy gospel and management,’ ‘Effects of satanic worship and elements-signs and tattoos, movies, music, gaming, cartoons etc,’ ‘Generation blessing and curse,’ ‘Signs of the last days,’ ‘Giving- tithes and offerings,’ ‘Soul winning ministry,’ and ‘Rapture and millennium’ were discussed during the camp.
It stated that MLA Dr. Ato Rhetso, who was also the resource person, spoke on ‘Food and health,’ while the managing director of Bethel Medical Centre, Dr. Kezhalezo Angami, spoke on ‘Alcohol and its consequences.’
Report stated that the best camper awards were presented to Kevikholhou Sorhie, Ketosü Rikha, Nosel Khatso, A Longhoi Shui, L Toshimeren Longkumer, Kevilhoubei Semou, Vikuosielie and Thinuoneio Thevo.
It further stated that participants were delivered from alcoholism and drug addictions and also received physical healings.
Altogether, 138 persons along with the officials attended the camp.
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