Kohima Municipal Council fixes price of pork and beef
Our Correspondent
Kohima, Oct. 8 (EMN): Amid price of meat skyrocketing in Kohima since the coronavirus-induced lockdown began, the Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) has issued rates for pork and beef to be implemented with immediate effect till further notice.
The administrator of KMC, Kovi Meyase, has issued an order stating that pork will be priced at INR 250 per kilogram and beef at INR 240 per kilogram.
The order stated that no butcher shop can sell pork beyond the rate fixed by the KMC within its jurisdiction and that there will be no separate rate for local and non-local pork, dressed and undress categories. It added that the authorities will announce remedial measures in case of any rate fluctuation.
The order further directs all meat shops to move towards colonies, saying that they will not be allowed in the national and district highways. It shared that they can contact 9436203061 or 9774644639 for any complaints or grievances.
It may be mentioned that shortage of beef and pork continues in Kohima even after the relaxation of lockdown. While beef is now available in the wet market, it’s rare to find pork in the market and it is mostly made available online for as high as INR 350/330 per kg or INR 1000 for 3 kg, excluding delivery charges.