Koinonia Prayer Centre Holds Revival Programme - Eastern Mirror
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Koinonia Prayer Centre holds revival programme

By EMN Updated: Feb 21, 2022 3:26 pm
Prophet Victor from Nigeria with interpreter, Evangelist Zashekho Hibo, sharing his testimony and message from God.

Kohima, Feb. 21 (EMN): The Koinonia Prayer Centre, Kohima held its monthly revival programme from on the theme, “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way” (2 Thessalonians 2:7) from Feb. 18 to the 20th.

An update from Koinonia Baptist Church informed that the programme was hosted by The Oasis, wherein the main speaker was Rev. Zotuo Kiewhuo, founder and senior pastor, Koinonia Baptist Church and Principal of Kohima Bible College.

He stated that without the word of God and Holy Spirit, (the true spirit), false prophecy and teachings will come, which are also signs of the last days as mentioned in Matthew 24 and 2 Thessalonians 2. Therefore, he challenged the congregation to be ‘sober’, ‘watch and pray’ and be the restrainer as fighters, disciples and true Christians. He also added that ‘Biblical Christians’ are pure heart, clear conscience and of sincere faith.

It said that Prophet Victor from Nigeria and his wife Neime ministered the congregation on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Prophet Victor is in India to start his mission of fulfiling his divine assignment.

In his message, he stated that to worship God in truth and in spirit, one must give their best in prayers, sacrifice and service.

Meanwhile, special praises were presented by Oasis, Rubies, Ketseilebeiu Pienyu, Mhasilenuo Thong, Evangelist Neilhou Sopfünuo, Neizosenuo Pienyü, Ruokuovinuo Semy, Deborah Group, Ruth Kiewhuo,  Kechangunuo and Joyce, and Keneinguzo Üsou. A testimony was also given by Ketholenuo Kikon, while the praise and worship was led by Koinonia Prayer Centre Worship Team.

By EMN Updated: Feb 21, 2022 3:26:59 pm
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