Lok Sabha polls ‘moment to send strong message’ for democracy — TNR
DIMAPUR — Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, The Naga Rising (TNR) has stated that it supports the ideals and values on which the Republic of India was founded and noted that the time-honoured principle of ‘unity in diversity’, which in many ways reflects India’s approach to democracy, federalism (state rights), and religious freedom, must be upheld.
In a press statement, it said that “no force should be allowed to subvert the ideals on which India was founded” and called the upcoming Lok Sabha election a “moment to send a strong message that we stand for freedom and democracy.”
It said that while Nagaland is represented by only one Lok Sabha seat and its presence is very marginal in the Indian political system, the stand of TNR is that freedom and democracy must be defended at all costs.
“Naga people dearly cherish their freedom, faith and fraternity. Our aspiration as a community to develop according to our own genius, to uphold our God-given sovereignty over land and resources; protecting our identity and political rights as a people should not be compromised. At the end of the day, The Naga Rising believes that we as a people must guard against ‘forces’ detrimental to these values and to our future,” it read.
TNR further stated that it recognises “the genuine fears and concerns raised by the Church (in Nagaland) on the Hindu-Hindi nationalist agenda, especially under the decade-long Narendra Modi-led BJP government” and alleged that the subtle move towards a Hindu Rashtra (or Hindu Nation) is not a fiction anymore.
It said that it is high time to speak out against all attempts to establish a Hindu cultural hegemony under the guise of politics and development.
Further, the statement noted that the BJP’s 2024 manifesto promises to draw up a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and implement the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), both of which have sparked considerable political debate regarding the secular nature of the UCC and the constitutional validity of the CAA.
“It may be recalled that the BJP promised a Ram temple in its previous manifestoes, which is today a reality,” it concluded.