Manipur Observes World Hepatitis Day - Eastern Mirror
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Manipur observes World Hepatitis Day

By Sobhapati Samom Updated: Aug 16, 2022 10:41 pm
Manipur observes World Hepatitis Day
Dr. Sapam Ranjan Singh speaking at the World Hepatitis Day programme in Imphal on Tuesday.

Our Correspondent

Imphal, Aug. 16 (EMN): World Hepatitis Day was widely observed considering its impact on the public health sector in Manipur on Tuesday.

The state level function was held at state run Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS) Porompat in Imphal East district.

Manipur Health & Information Public Relations Minister Dr. Sapam Ranjan Singh along with Director (Health services) Dr. Kh Sasheekumar Mangang, Project Director H Roshita Devi of Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), Director (JNIMS) Dr.  L Deben Singh attended the occasion as president and guests of honour respectively.

The theme for this year’s observation is, ‘Bringing Care Closer to you-Hepatitis Can’t Wait.’

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Ranjan while citing on the need to spread awareness about Hepatitis disease and its infection, said that majority of the people do not have the idea of the infectiousness and effects of the disease. He said that a cohesive effort is required for carrying out a successful campaign on Hepatitis.  

Expressing the need to focus on the primary health care system, he said the government is trying to improve the overall health care system in the state.

All the sections under the medical department need to join hands and work with dedication for bringing a change in this sector, he said.

Medical Superintendent (JNIMS) Dr. Kh Lokeshwor informed that Hepatitis can be transmitted through contaminated blood, mother to new born child, sharing of infected needles, unsafe sex, etc. Hepatitis B vaccine is available under the Universal Immunization Program.

For treatment of Hepatitis A and E supportive care and Symptomatic management system may be taken while for B and C, there is treatment available at free of cost at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, JNIMS and in all the designated health facilities in the 16 districts, he added.

A rally was also flagged off as a part of the day’s observation.

By Sobhapati Samom Updated: Aug 16, 2022 10:41:17 pm
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