Chumoukedima, Nagaland
Modern College conducts workshop to elevate skills
DIMAPUR — The department of History and Sociology of Modern College, Piphema, organised the second Modern Workshop on July 20 on the theme ‘Unlock success, gain valuable insights and elevate your skills’.
According to a press release, the workshop featured basket weaving, calligraphy, cutting and stitching, dance, guitar, handicraft accessories, painting and sculpting, and vocal training.
The resource persons for the workshop were Vilatuou Tsukrufor for basket weaving, Mhasiselhu Viyie for calligraphy, Kereilhousienuo Vielie for cutting and stitching, Puchong L for dance, Seiminlal Singson for guitar, Rovi Sechu for handicraft accessories, Akup Buchem for painting and sculpting, and Neiphretuonuo Dahou for vocals.
Students and faculty, including both teaching and non-teaching staff, took part in the workshop.