New Academic Building Inaugurated At Wangkhao College - Eastern Mirror
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New academic building inaugurated at Wangkhao College

By EMN Updated: Dec 03, 2022 10:51 pm
New academic building inaugurated at Wangkhao College Copy
Ajit Kumar Verma along with the executive members of Konyak Students’ Union after the inauguration of a new academic building at Wangkhao Government College on Saturday.

Dimapur, Dec. 3 (EMN): The deputy commissioner of Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma, inaugurated a new academic building at Wangkhao College in Mon town on December 3, while the dedicatory prayer was said by Rev. Ashok Wallim, district chaplain of Mon headquarters.

The building was constructed under the initiatives of Konyak Students’ Union (KSU), in collaboration with district administration, Konyak Gazetted Officers’ Union (KGOU) and the Konyak civil societies.

An update from KSU stated that the inaugural programme was chaired by its deputy speaker, Daniel Roumon, while an invocation prayer was said by pastor Ahat and the welcome address was said by Dr. T Chandrashekaran, principal of Wangkhao Government College.

Besides the deputy commissioner, speeches were delivered by the president of Konyak Union (KU), Tingthok, and Mannon, advisor of KNSK. KSU president, T Noklem Konyak, has acknowledged the Konyak legislators and others who have contributed towards the construction of the building.

Meanwhile, the union has acknowledged the concerned authority for responding to its representation by deploying 11 assistant professors to the college. With the ever increasing number of students, the union stated that the new academic building was required to accommodate more students.

By EMN Updated: Dec 03, 2022 10:51:20 pm
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