NSF Urges Nagaland Government To Stop Influx Of Illegal Immigrants - Eastern Mirror
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

NSF urges Nagaland government to stop influx of illegal immigrants

By EMN Updated: Apr 25, 2023 10:57 pm

Dimapur: Drawing attention to the “unabated influx” of illegal immigrants into Nagaland, the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has requested the state government to put a robust mechanism in place to protect all genuine citizens.

The federation also reiterated its demand to set up a committee/commission to oversee the implementation of online Inner Line Permit (ILP) system in the state.

In a press communiqué, the NSF said it is “perturbed” by the ILP not being properly implemented in the northeastern states amid influx of illegal immigrants posing a demographic threat to the indigenous inhabitants of the region.

It stated that “lack of stringent implementation of the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation (BEFR) 1873 has made the Naga homeland a safe haven for illegal immigrants”.

To regulate the flow of tourists and control the influx of illegal immigrants through the effective implementation of ILP, it said “tough and honest” government, leaders and bureaucrats, backed by general public, is needed.

“One can safely assert that an overwhelming population of people with questionable identities are inhabiting the various parts of our Naga homeland.

“This has come as a major threat to our identity, culture and our survival and resulting in societal destruction. This undeniable threat threatens to plunge our society into a situation wherein we could become a minority in our own land,” read the communiqué.

Meanwhile, the federation ‘directed all its federating units and sub-ordinate bodies to implement in toto, the resolution adopted at the emergency federal assembly of the federation held on April 22, 2023, to effectively carry out the role of monitoring and verifying the outsiders in their respective jurisdiction and also submit their respective census report to the office of NSF within two months, with effect from April 23’.

By EMN Updated: Apr 25, 2023 10:57:06 pm
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