DIMAPUR — Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of the Nagaland University in Lumami headquarters conducted a gender sensitisation programme on November 23 with the participation of faculty members and speakers from diverse departments.
An update from the university stated that the key responsibilities of ICC and UGC Regulations 2015 and how it should be implemented mandatorily in higher educational institutions was highlighted by Prof. Talijungla, department of Botany. She highlighted the responsibilities mandated by those regulations to address issues related to sexual harassment and gender discrimination.
The vice chancellor, Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik, spoke on the social status of Naga women especially on the absence of sexual harassment complaints within the university, while Arenla Longkumer and Prof. Toshimenla spoke on the struggles faced by educated Naga women regarding gender equality, discrimination and sexual harassment in society.
It stated that the involvement of Watsu Mungdang and song performance by research scholars added a more engaging and cultural aspect to the event. It added that the programme covered a wide range of topics related to gender sensitisation from legal aspects to societal perceptions.
It further stated that registrar of NU, Dr. Abemo, along with other officials, faculty and students attended the programme.
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