OKM, MTLT Perturbed By ‘war Of Words’ Between Dr. SC Jamir, NSCN (IM) - Eastern Mirror
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OKM, MTLT perturbed by ‘war of words’ between Dr. SC Jamir, NSCN (IM)

By EMN Updated: May 25, 2022 9:03 pm

Dimapur, May 25 (EMN): Ongpangkong Students’ Conference (OKM) stated that it was perturbed by the recent charges and claims by the NSCN (IM) against Dr. SC Jamir.

“Every individual has the right to free speech and expression as a genuine Naga and Indian citizen. Dr. SC Jamir’s utterances on Naga political matters are his own opinions and beliefs, and the OKM believes that his statements are not intended to do any damage,” an update fr0m OKM said.

OKM opined that the ‘war of words, accusations, and counter-allegations’ will not result in a beneficial outcome but only weaken and create more division among the Nagas.

It, therefore, urged all stakeholders working for a peaceful Naga settlement to ‘strive diligently for a timely political solution for the Nagas’.

The Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) on Wednesday also stated that the animosity between Dr. SC Jamir and NSCN (IM) is “unhealthy” for Naga people’s quest for an honourable and acceptable solution.

MTLT asserted that the tussle between NSCN (IM) and Dr. Jamir “might destroy the decades of peace parleys between the Naga political groups and the Government of India”, and supported the stance of Ao Senden to stop the ‘blame game’.

“The MTLT declares that every Naga is a stakeholder in this Naga political issue and every Naga, more so a leader in the personality of Dr. SC Jamir has every right to speak out and share opinions about the Naga issue. Stifling a person’s political opinion at this juncture, especially when all the issues are hopefully on the verge of being finalized, is something which the MTLT finds very disconcerting and unwarranted in a democratic society like the Nagas,” it read.

MTLT expressed hope that all the stakeholders, especially those at the negotiating table and those whose lives will be determined because of this much awaited Indo-Naga political problem, “show maturity and foresight as we endeavour for a better future for the Naga people”.

By EMN Updated: May 25, 2022 9:03:49 pm
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