Real Struggle: Case Study Of Sao Chang College Tuensang - Eastern Mirror
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Real struggle: Case Study of Sao Chang College Tuensang

By EMN Updated: Sep 05, 2023 12:00 am

The recent student’s contention and turmoil of Sao Chang College Tuensang that spurred rally in the main town and in the college premises on 31st August and 1st September 2023  questioning the authority concern of pre-existing conventions of one of the oldest institutions in the district speaks larger social concern of the state.

It was the outcome of the real life experiences lived by the people of the region after  the attainment of statehood and through the lived experience of the students ever since the inception of the college in the year 1973.

Ironically this is the  college which  has just celebrated the 50th year of its inception in the month of July of this year which is also one of the oldest colleges of the state and the only arts and science college for Tuensang which also caters to a large number of students from Noklak and Shamator district in Nagaland. The college was named after  Late Sao Chang, the then Minister for Transport and Communication  and PHED, Government of Nagaland.

Unfortunately, this is the paradox of the state of affairs of the college. There is a long negligence and callousness on the matters which have grip its people and the daily hardships and challenges faced everyday by the common people that is real and which has not gone unreported. From the bad road issue to worn out buses, to inconsiderate  treatment without the head of the institution for long period, to shortage of bus drivers, to shortage of classroom and subject teachers, the list can go on.

To travel in a good road in a decent college bus with the good titular head is the right and dream of every student which was both denied and delayed to the students of this college  for a very long period of time.

As the college  is situated about 7 km  away from the town, students and the staff have to bear the brunt of bad road condition and suffer the discomfort  of ache and blow by traveling worn-out buses which escape near fatal accidents many times because of overloaded  bus in a pathetic bad road and  psychological fear for brake fail of the vehicle.

Students have to move out from home hours ahead  to avoid missing the only means of transportation and for fear of missing the  seat  in the bus. After classes is over they have to waitlong hours for the second and third trip for the bus to arrive. Madly running and rushing for the buses is not uncommon, missing seats will entail nearly hour of standing in the bus to reach college and to reach home.

On 31st August, in the morning hour people wake up to find that the connecting national highway and the lifeline road of Tuensang, Noklak and Shamator and which  pave the college road have turned into a stream like condition overnight. Many would like to believe it was a natural calamity, but for the people who whip along the road everyday it was the case of due negligence long overdue.

The state of deplorable road condition in this narrow road had been for long left at the mercy of nature. The  roads in town are covered with thick dust in winter and muddy road in summer and the struggle of the students who walk to schools and college is very real.

This brings to question if the real engagement that concerns common people by those in authority is seriously being made as a priority and question whether the minds are joined collectively as to put the work on matters that needs urgency.

Are real affairs and problems that need attention being put aside for the seemingly pressing issue of other matter? Sadly, we have forsake  the real, good for all existence  inorder to enter into material and aesthetic existence of the individual.

In this situation the truth was already being into question, and when the truth is threatened the outcome of hyperreality is seemingly on the horizon and possible which can lead into further confusion and chaos  leading toward destruction where careers are damaged, truth is blurred and values can be lost while being the mainstay of the institution of learning and society descend.

Supposedly, in this case the real work of urgency is neglected and instead of opting for the insincere and shallow covering from time to time and of experience of endless reproduction of empty promises, appearances and assurances which have come dangerously close  to depriving the students of real role models of leaders which is not a welcome trend while envisioning them to grow. There is real danger in the desire to strive for unobtainable ideal from far off which can be averted.

Students are in need of real role models to  follow and old role model like Soa Chang who truthfully serve the people he represents and who do not simply seem great because they are famous but who are famous because they are great.

The time has come for the  real  deliverance  of genuine demand of the students and implement the value which can truly serve its purpose of exchange  and in this case delivering to them its due rights if students are to grow and expect to thrive for brighter tomorrow  for the society to flourish .

 Hotoni Yeptho

By EMN Updated: Sep 05, 2023 12:00:41 am
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