SASRD Holds Onion Seed And Garlic Distribution Programme - Eastern Mirror
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SASRD holds onion seed and garlic distribution programme

By EMN Updated: Oct 20, 2021 9:31 pm
Phek beneficiaries Copy
Beneficiaries of rabi onion seed and garlic distribution programme.

Dimapur, Oct. 20 (EMN): NEH component of onion and garlic, Nagaland Centre, SASRD, NU conducted a rabi onion seed and garlic distribution programme on Wednesday.

An update informed that other inputs like agroshadenets, battery operated sprayers and organic inputs were distributed to the three best performing farmers’ group namely Unity, Uciethimi and Kutho-Phusachodu under Phek district.

Dr. Major Singh, Director of ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Maharashtra; Dr. Aastik Jha, Project in-charge and Dr. Moakala Changkiri, Co-Project in-charge, NEH component of onion and garlic, Nagaland Centre felt the need to popularse onion and garlic cultivation among tribal farmers of Nagaland after observing the consumption and production rate of onion and garlic in the state.

The centre therefore identified Phek district for popularising onion and garlic cultivation “looking at the favourable climatic conditions and the hardworking nature of needy farmers, and distributed one of the best performing Rabi onion variety- Bhima Shakti and garlic variety- Bhima Purple to the beneficiaries,” it read.

It stated that beneficiaries expressed their gratitude for initiating the programme in their district and assured full cooperation for the success of the programme.

By EMN Updated: Oct 20, 2021 9:31:27 pm
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