In an unexpected turn of events, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the popular battle royale game from Krafton, has been removed from both the Google Play...
South Korean game publisher, Krafton, on Friday, announced that its popular battle royale game, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the Indian version of popular game PlayerUnknown’s...
In what could be described as a historic moment for Esports in India, Star Sports has partnered with Indian Esports company Nodwin Gaming to broadcast...
Dimapur, April 6 (EMN): Krafton, the publisher behind Indian battle royale game Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), on Monday announced that it has banned 66,233 accounts...
Dimapur, Dec. 28 (EMN): South Korean game developer Krafton on Monday announced that its anti-cheat mechanisms had detected and permanently banned 58,611 Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)...