London, Oct. 15 (PTI): Managing Covid-19 by allowing herd immunity to develop in low-risk populations while protecting the most vulnerable is “a dangerous fallacy unsupported...
Washington, Oct. 14 (PTI): A strain of coronavirus which causes acute diarrhea in piglets may have the potential to spread to humans as well, according...
Beijing, Oct. 13 (IANS): In a major study, researchers have developed a new type of precise therapeutic vaccine against leukaemia — a cancer of blood-forming...
Boston, Oct. 9 (PTI): Scientists, including one of Indian-origin, have documented the persistence of antibodies that target the novel coronavirus in the blood and saliva...
Los Angeles, Oct. 6 (PTI): Scientists have published an open letter calling for public health officials to make a clear distinction between the spread of...
Los Angeles, Aug. 13 (PTI): A team led by an Indian-origin scientist has used artificial intelligence (AI) to identify hundreds of new potential drugs that...
Beijing, Aug. 8 (PTI): The incubation period of Covid-19, which is the time after which those infected with the novel coronavirus start showing the first...
London, July 18 (PTI): Scientists have claimed that there are six distinct ‘types’ of Covid-19, each distinguished by a particular cluster of symptoms in patients,...
New York, July 13 (IANS): In a big breaking discovery, the researchers may have found the beginnings of a path toward increasing human lifespan. The...
New York, July 6 (PTI): More than 200 scientists from 32 nations have written to the WHO, saying there is evidence that the coronavirus is...