The Naga Rising (TNR) has accused the central BJP-led government of exploiting Northeast’s “internal social faultlines” and making subtle attempts at economic, military and cultural...
DIMAPUR — The government of Nagaland has ‘outrightly resented’ the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the state and said that breaching Article...
DIMAPUR— Amid reports of the proposed Frontier Naga Territory (FNT) for the eastern districts inching towards the final stage, eight tribal hohos of Nagaland have...
NEW DELHI— The Law Commission on Friday extended the deadline for the public to send their views on a uniform civil code (UCC) till July...
ITANAGAR – The Arunachal Indigenous Tribes Forum (AITF), a conglomeration of 26 major tribal communities, has requested the Law Commission of India to keep the...
DIMAPUR — The Naga Women’s Union (NWU) has strongly opposed the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC), stating that its implementation is unacceptable in ‘Naga homeland’....
DIMAPUR— Joining several organisations in the state in opposing the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC), the Konyak Union (KU) has said that it will not...
AIZAWL – After the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is also being opposed by most of the non-BJP parties, including the...
Says it is against the principle of secularism and Christian faith DIMAPUR — The Poumai Naga Baptist Association (PNBA) has vehemently opposed the implementation of...
DIMAPUR— The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) said the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has no place in “Naga homeland” and that its implementation will infringe...