The ABCD’s Of Clean Election Movement - Eastern Mirror
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The ABCD’s of Clean Election Movement

By EMN Updated: Jan 26, 2023 9:38 pm

The 4 A’s of CEM

1. Abstain from indulging in election feasts and partying

2. Avoid tampering your date of birth

3. Avoid soliciting or giving Money, liquor and things for your vote or others

4. Avoid Proxy voting

The 4 B’s of CEM

1. Beware of Indulgence practices by church leaders

2. Boldly speak against Village/khel/clan consensus candidate

3. Be firm in your witness for Christ in elections (God will honour you)

4. Buying and selling of vote is sinful (it is dishonouring God)

The Four C’s of CEM

1. Clean Vote, clean process will usher clean future

2. Campaign against Corruption and any unethical forms of voting

3.Challenge anomalies in electoral roll and any kind of undemocratic practices

4.Call for a common platform for all parties

The Four D’s of CEM

1. Do not manipulate, misguide or threaten others against their choice in voting

2. Delete double entry voters roll (Never have double voter id)

3. Do not declare your support for any candidate (Secret Ballot is the way)

4. Demonstrate clean Christian character

Clean Election Movement (NBCC).

By EMN Updated: Jan 26, 2023 9:38:01 pm
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