From Darkness to Light
Some nights, when the world’s fast asleep,
And silence reigns over the darkness deep,
His thoughts struggle wit’ his wish to rest,
Steal his moments like an uninvited guest
Who narrates stories o’ the miserable past,
To evoke memories t’at sink &hold on fast.
Past memories t’at wet his pillow at night;
Leave him weeping alone wit’ spent might;
No more would he plead or care to sleep-
Lest his emotions and sanity take a leap.
Spent as he be, he’d hope for a new dawn
To help fight, and keep his demons down.
As days go by, he’ll conquer his fears;
No more shed those silent bitter tears,
Or allow the demons to reign or scare…
Beautiful memories through deeds fair
Shall overwhelm his regrets & sorrows,
As t’e Light shines upon his tomorrows!
A. Anato Swu
Satakha, Zunheboto