Truth Speakers For Truth Seekers – 2 - Eastern Mirror
Friday, November 29, 2024

Truth Speakers for Truth Seekers – 2

By EMN Updated: Apr 20, 2024 11:01 pm

The Incredible Momentum Energiser- AKA Time

Did you wake up today? I trust you will rejoice in that fact, as many did not wake up. You just got another 24 hours given in your Time account as a gift to use as you wish. But once gone, it will be gone forever. No one will be able to buy it back for you, you yourself cannot earn it back, wish it back, turn it back or do anything to get it back. Once gone, it is gone indeed. Only a memory of what you did that day remains and if you fail to record that, even the memory of that day is gone.

We might think houses, cars or other possessions are really precious to us. But is it?  Our children are indeed valuable and important to us but if no time is invested in them, they might grow up into someone that is not important to anyone but rather detrimental to many.

Time therefore becomes something that is truly precious because it can be spent on anything and anyone- whether in a positive or negative way. Time can be an energiser or a destroyer, depending on how you use that time.

Ask yourself, how am I treating time? Is this just another day with time slots, agenda’s, to do’s and appointments or a day with having to take care of kids, house work and their home works? Or a day with just “roaming”, and doing whatever you feel like?

Just another day! Or is it? If you go to the Word of God- the Bible-, it will say: “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be Glad and rejoice in it. “It also says: “His faithfulness is New every morning! His mercies endure forever” That is incredible. I wonder how many of us would have given up on mankind, if looking down on this planet and what has become of it since creation.  Not exactly evolving if you look to the conduct of mankind these days but rather devolving overall.

If God is truly God, He should still be in control because He made this world and He made time. What started time was the planets around the earth (the sun and the moon) . Once created, He put all of them in motion and they still are as is our earth. So if that is so, He can either turn it off, or say: “Enough, I will start again. Let’s stop the planets, the sun, the moon, the earth, the oxygen flow and start again”. According to the Bible He did cleanse the earth once already (except one family of 8) and promised to never do that again. The rainbow is a reminder to us that He is still keeping that promise. That said: rainbows were God’s idea, not human’s idea.

God did not put a stop to us humans again. In spite of all the damage that has been done to the earth itself, he has not stopped creating children who Are precious to Him. But in frustration He could have just turn off the earth, make it stop moving, let the sun go elsewhere. It would take very little on His part to put a stop to us all.

Some people seem to think they are the God of this world and treat this earth as such. Eight million children are disappearing yearly in the world. Many adults are “disappearing” because they did the right thing or spoke the right thing.

Where is God in all this? God being God made a choice before He created anything. If God is God, He should be pure love without a speck but also pure righteousness and justice without a flaw. Otherwise what kind of God is it really.

He desired to have a family, spiritual beings He could relate to, work with, fellowship and communicate with and who would call Him their own Father and He would call them His very own. So the Home He created, is what we call now: “Earth”. He did show how to manage this Earth and wanted His created beings to work together to make it a wonderful place in the dimension called: “time” and “space”. However it would be their choice to work with Him and each other or against Him and each other.

We would have other spiritual beings, called angels at our disposal to help us as well, and if nothing would work He Himself would put on human flesh so we could see Him. Eventually it did come to that.

Even that seems to have been in vain.  But was it? Although those who made the choice to work and create and be on His side, are few in number, thank God there still are. Some choose to give it their all, others do give some time, others none. However the time given to us and this earth is only on a “Lease basis”. A lease has a time limit. Is time really ours? It is a gift yes. However it still belongs to the Creator Himself who can turn it on or off.

Next time you look at the clock, think what you did that last hour or those last 24 hours? There was a plan with that time, but did you co-operate with Him?

If things look hopeless around you, you can still shoot up a prayer and say something like this “God if you are really God, help me to find out what I can do with the time you created for me. Thank You for trusting me with Time. Help me to be a light, to be life and to be Jesus to others in my surroundings. Help me to find out how to cooperate with you to make this place a better place. Ready when You are. And I know You always are”

Sing if you can and love each new day God has chosen once again to give to us all.


Akhrienuo Kh.

By EMN Updated: Apr 20, 2024 11:01:38 pm
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