DIMAPUR — The Tenyimi Union Dimapur (TUD) on Monday congratulated the new team of the Eastern Naga People`s Organisation (ENPO), led by president A Chingmak Chang, general secretary Honang Konyak and finance secretary Khehoto Yepthomi Sumi.
In a press release, the TUD expressed hope that the new ENPO team will take the aspirations of the ENPO people in particular and the Nagas in general to greater heights.
The union also exuded confidence that the new team will work in close collaboration with other apex Naga civil societies for posterity of Nagas.
Further, the union lauded the outgoing ENPO office bearers headed by president R Tsapikiu for successfully completing their tenure.
Also read: Chingmak Chang takes helm as new Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisation president