Tuensang Observes ‘Anti-leprosy Day’ - Eastern Mirror
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Tuensang observes ‘Anti-leprosy Day’

By EMN Updated: Jan 30, 2021 11:31 pm
Anti leprosy day in Tuensang
Officers and healthcare workers on the occasion of ‘Anti-Leprosy Day’ at the CMO’s office in Tuensang on January 30.

Dimapur, Jan. 30 (EMN): Office of the chief medical officer (CMO), Tuensang, observed the ‘Anti-leprosy Day’ in its conference hall on January 30 on the theme ‘Last war against leprosy.’

Delivering the welcome address, the deputy CMO, Dr. G Viholi Sema, called upon the public to join hands together to eradicate leprosy from the district. Stating the leprosy is curable, she stressed on the need for early detection for treatment, an update from the CMO stated.

Also speaking at the programme, the zonal leprosy officer Dr. Limawabang urged the healthcare workers to focus on social stigmatisation. He also advised the healthcare workers, Ashas and Anganwadi workers to create awareness for contact tracing in order to detect and reduce cases of leprosy in the district.

Supplementing the deputy CMO that Leprosy is curable, EAC Ketsinle Tep urged the people affected with the disease to go for early treatment. She also emphasised on creating awareness in order to change people’s mindset and eradicate leprosy diseases from the district.

She further encouraged the healthcare workers to join hands together in the fight against leprosy.

Report also stated that leaflets on leprosy were also distributed during the programme. The programme was chaired by Changlemba, NMS, while an invocation prayer was said by Masatuba, PMW.

By EMN Updated: Jan 30, 2021 11:31:35 pm
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