Unlock 3.0: Are We Productive? - Eastern Mirror
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Unlock 3.0: Are We Productive?

By EMN Updated: Aug 07, 2020 11:19 pm

World Health Organisation(WHO) talks about the possibility that Covid-19 is airborne and predicts that it may never go away from us. The world is under a high speed race for vaccines which can cure us from this deadly virus. Report states that Russia is set to launch mass production of its vaccine by September and millions of tones by 2021.

At this juncture of race for a vaccine, following lock down guidelines & trying to find a way to prevent ourselves from getting infected, can we pause for a minute and ponder upon how we are actually spending our days at this difficult time? India has unveiled its Unlock 3.0 guidelines in non containment zones. But are our minds still locked? Have we stopped thinking and imagining about our future the moment Covid-19 hit us? Are we literally locked up in our rooms with the fear that this is the apocalypse and therefore we shall all vanish? Or have some people started thinking of new ideas innovations with the hope that better days are coming?

Demographic studies report that India has more than 65% of its population below the age of 35 years, so basically we are a very young country and we are set to become the youngest nation in the world in the next few years. Which means 65 out of 100 Indians are childrens and youths. Will it just remain a numbers or are we on a mission to become the most productive nation in the world.

Half a year has passed since this pandemic hit us and it has traumatised every citizen of the world. Some have left us and some are learning to live with it. A round of applause for those who are learning to survive with little means they have and I call them the most productive citizens of our nation.  Well, nearly half of our citizens have not come out of our comfort zones; this group can become the most valuable and productive citizens if they unlock their minds and their burning aspirations.

Unlocking our minds can be sum up in various fields. Let us assume, some can pick up hobbies and interests they always wanted to do. Things may not pick up perfectly at the beginning yet it will and it literally does not matter if you succeed or not; being able to do something different matters. And why should we only fit in a box when we can fit in many? New Education Policy (2020) will sum up to it.

We can try painting, sketching, reading ,writing, singing,  gardening, cooking,  tailoring, farming, handicrafts and many more. Unlock 3.0 is actually the best time to re-think and accumulate ideas what we can do after the race for vaccine is completed . The younger youth cannot allow society to call us incredibly lazy anymore.

Being productive does not always mean being employable. What’s more essential in today’s generation is being able to feed our stomach and our soul at one go and thereby leading us to attain inner peace . We are fortunate enough to live in an era of internet and modern technology, good education, more freedom and lesser restrictions where life has become more easier and convenient than the past eras.  And lastly at this difficult time, if we are overcoming stress and anxiety, we are productive. If our mind has the power to react, we are productive. If we are working on self-improvement, we are productive.

If we are trying to quit some bad habits and are moving closer to God,  then we are productive. Personally I have not achieved anything in life so far but I believe with more positive energy and by allowing ourselves to open up our minds with the spirit of enthusiasm we can do a lot together.

Let’s unlock our minds then.




By EMN Updated: Aug 07, 2020 11:19:53 pm
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