Lucknow, June 11 (IANS): Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday ordered invoking the National Security Act (NSA) against Noor Alam and Javed Siddiqui, the two persons accused of setting on fire some houses of Dalits in the Jaunpur district.
The chief minister, on Wednesday, directed police officials to book all the accused under the NSA and take action against the Station House Officer (SHO). The chief minister also directed the district officials to provide houses to the Dalits whose houses had been destroyed in the incident.
The state government’s social welfare department will also give a compensation of Rs one lakh each.
It may be recalled that on June 9, a series of houses in the Sarai Khwaja locality had been burnt down following a dispute over plucking mangoes from an orchard. Seven persons were injured in the incident.